Friday, March 27, 2009

Feel free to skip this post.Just wanna release my pent up frustrations over my never ending mistakes that I can never seem to rectify. I always believe that hardwork is directly proportional to results. But the sky isn't always blue. I can never seem to get the results I yearn for despite putting enormous effort in it. I thought I would sail through this time to compensate for the loss i made prior to this. I thought I had performed much better as compared to the prior one. I was expecting the best. But the results didn't seem to flinch a tiny bit. I still remain where I was. Mistakes are done when we least expect them. Well I did expect all those, but I still made the same old mistakes. When there's nothing left to do, all I just wanna say is Fuck it......

1 comment:

zi yang said...

Hey dude, as long as you really put in effort and tried your very best to work it out, no regrets for that. At least you won't feel sorry for yourself. Gambateh anyway! =)