Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jz came back from Alfred and have a great joke to share.
It happened in Alfred.This is what happened:
Marcus(kacakboy) was sitting bside me and was constantly bombarding Alfred wif questions.Then he asked Alfred 1 question bout electrochemical corrosion in redox.
He didn't comprehend what Alfred was saying so Alfred used an analogy.
This's how his analogy goes:Imagine yourself in three situation.
a)a Bachelor leaving alone n has no one 2 support other than yourself.
b)Married to a wife but still with no children.
c)Married and has children.

So he asked Marcus in which situation does he have to WORK more??
Then Chee Ann interrupt and asked "What does WORK mean here?"
HAhahahaa...whole class burst into laughter right after that.I can;t believe even the girls understood what he meant.
Dun get da joke??Dun act innocent LOLX

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